Friday, January 11, 2008

Let the flea market come to you

I love finding vintage decorative pieces that make my house feel cozy but rarely have time to rummage through flea markets and Estate sales to actually find the stuff. I just found a website that is a solution to the problem. P.O.S.H. Chicago is an actual store in Chicago but also sells their pieces online. They have been around since 1997 and strive to offer something unique! They offer eclectic assortment of vintage Hotel Silver, Restaurant China & Flea Market Finds. I'm drooling just looking at all the pictures! Have a great weekend!!


Steph said...

Nice...I'll have to check it out. I like your new blog look and that's a great picture of you.

Good luck on Sunday! I'll be cheering from Brenham!

P.O.S.H. Chicago said...


I intended to thank you directly but couldn't find an email address. Just wanted to send a quick "thanks" for mentioning our shop in your post. Happy 2008!

-Carrie from P.O.S.H

Melanie said...

Pretty Cool! :)