Thursday, January 17, 2008

Going on an Adventure!

I'm leaving bright and early (5:45 to be exact) to go to Virginia! I am so excited. But this trip has a very serious choose paint color for my mom's new house that she is building. My mom is pretty much color blind and so I will be there to make sure she doesn't pick any ridiculous colors.
I am really excited though because it's my first trip to Virginia and it is snowing there!! Mike is jealous. I cant wait to take pictures of the beautiful scenery. My mom's house has a gorgeous view of the mountains.
And a little side bonus for me is there is an H&M approximately 12 minutes away from the airport I fly into so that will be our first stop! For all of you who have never been to H&M I'm sorry and I hope you get to go soon. This store has some of the cutest clothes at the cheapest prices. Me and a co-worker were talking today about franchising one in Houston as a side could happen!
OK I'm off to pack! Have a wonderful weekend, and spend sometime outside!


Morgan said...

i have always wanted to go to H&M!! lucky!!

Ashley M said...

Oh, H&M, how I love thee! There are two near-by that I love to enjoy :) SO glad you get to spend some time at H&M. You'll be closer to my homeland, how neat.

Coffman Family said...

LOVE H&M! I had to stop in every one we saw in Europe. Enjoy the fabulous shopping! And, I'm hoping Austin gets an H&M before Houston does!!

Bri Westbury said...

How was the color hunting? I NEED to know-what was the outcome...

And, I never had any luck at H& some day we need to go to one together (i vote for the one in Europe) and you can help me appreciate the apparel...