Monday, August 25, 2008

In case you were wondering

So I was tagged along with everyone else I know to do this little randomness list. At first I thought there is nothing people don't know that is worthy to be random enough to post on this list, but I think I came up with a few good ones for you!
Here are the tagging rules:
Post the rules on your blog
Write 6 random things about yourself
Tag 6 people at the end of your post
If you're tagged, DO IT and pass on the tag

6 Random things about me
-I get nauseas right before landing every time I fly...this is a rather new thing for me probably with in the last 4 yrs. I hope it goes away soon.
-I have HORRIBLE handwriting (I am a lefty) and always envy those with pretty handwriting...of the top of my head this girl has very pretty handwriting.
-I wish that I could draw or paint. I feel like that is a building block to creativity that I am seriously lacking. When I was in college I sketched wedding dresses, and seriously considered moving to New York to go to design school. Looking back I think New York would have laughed at my drawings and sent me right back to Texas.
-i fell off my bike in 6th grade while racing my brother to tennis lessons and fractured my skull, I still don't like to ride bikes that much. And no I was not wearing a helmet...I know tis tis.
-I won't go number 2 anywhere else other then my house. If I am staying at a friends house for a few days I won't go unless its an emergency, and at work you can forget about it!
-When I grow up I would love to live in the South of France (not the touristy side but the other side) and open up a coffee shop or flower shop or both!!
OK I know most people have already been tagged, but I think I can come up with six that haven't:
My hubbs-because last night you were making fun of this little game :)
Catherine Swaffar-because I know you have a ton of random things people don't know about you.
Phil Coffman-I know you've been dying to get into this game just like mike!
Monique-I know you've got some randomness you can't wait to share.
Julie A.-You seriously need a new post, I think blogger might giveaway your web page :)
Erin Wallace- We all need a little new mommy randomness!


The Artful Dodger said...


Your handwriting isn't half as horrible as it was when you were a little girl and decided to use your right hand.


Catherine Elizabeth said...

the only problem is that I don't know six people on here to tag... you and Mike is about it...

Andy said...

thanks for your thoughtful comment on our blog. and yes, i've been trying to pamper gabs as best i can after that ordeal. and also yes, we'd love to have the name of the rheumatologist you mentioned.

on an unrelated note, i have some questions about your job (like how you like it, what all you do, etc.), but i don't have your email address. can you email me so i can write back?

Andy said...

dangit, i thought my html skills were going to work on that last comment. apparently not. my email address is