Monday, July 28, 2008

The unexamined life is not worth living...

I was thinking about community today, and what my friendships look like compared to what they used to look like. I have distinct memories of my friends knocking on my door when I was a little girl. They would come unscheduled and unannounced and we would play until someone was called home to eat dinner. At the end of our play dates we never took out our barbie planners to schedule next weeks visit, it was just understood that we would play again soon. Where did that simplicity go? I find myself longing for more of the small town mentality that my Brenham friends have where everyone just drops by at the leisure. I hate that my life is scheduled so far in advance, leaving hardly any room for spontaneity. Will it always be like this? How do I make it not like this? Do act, to my friends, like the kind of person that will welcome them in at any given time or day? All I know is that I want my friends to feel like they are always invited to come knock on my door anytime, and I will always love a play date!

1 comment:

Ryan "Tank" said...

I'm taking this an open invitation :) Just don't make me leave when I tell you I can swim better than you!

We'll be dropping by soon.