Monday, March 17, 2008


We had our monthly sewing circle on Saturday and it was super fun! Even as I wrote that last sentence I could feel myself morphing more and more in to a little 80 year old woman who loves to talk about needle point and her azaleas...back to the post at hand! I came fully prepared to create something with the new fabric I got from Ikea, but once I got there I wasn't really in the sewing mood, I just wanted to talk to everyone. I didn't, however, want to walk away from my dedicated sewing day with nothing to show for it, so I decided to expand my crafting and learn how to embroider. It totally opened my eyes to a whole new side of sewing! Now I can add fun little details to all the things I construct! For my first attempt I did a simple cross stitch of my initial "C" in a pretty blue turquoise color. I was searching online for some more embroidery ideas and came across sublime stitching. This site has everything you need to start embroidering, and the patterns don't look like something my great-grand mother would choose!


Robin Brient said...

Very nice! Unfortunately I am coming a week from Friday...the 28th at 11:30 at night...but we will have to plan time to get together!

Julie said...

I'm so glad you found a good site w/ cool stitch ideas- I have been searching for one! I'm totally ordering some stuff from there!