Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Horrible, terrible, no good very bad day...

Sorry for my lack of posting. I haven't been feeling very creative or inspired lately. Hopefully my trips to Round Top this weekend will get my artistic juices flowing!

And I apologize in advance as I use this post to vent just for a moment. Today was one of those days that you feel like nothing is right with the world. It started off with me sleeping in way past my alarm, which I can usually handle but it seemed to throw my whole day off. Then I get to work and am bombarded from the get-go with one issue after the other. Which is somewhat normal given the nature of my job but I stayed up late with Robin last night and was a bit off my game. With my sleep deprivation, came my heightened sensitivity to EVERYTHING so no matter what someone said to me I interpreted as they hated me and I sucked.

So in no particular order here is the horribleness that was my day: a process I have been helping fix at the hospital completely fell apart this morning, my hair looked ridiculous today, I had to calm several angry physicians for various reasons, a co-worker hurt my feeling, the chicken noodle soup in the cafeteria was disgusting, I'm pretty sure another co-worker wants my job, one of the flowers I planted is dying and I can't for the life of me figure out why, I got stuck in traffic on the way home, which never happens, and I felt like a failure on more then one occasion.

Driving home I was feeling so much anxiety and for really no reason at all, and it dawned on me how do people live like this without God. How do people have days where nothing goes right or makes any sense and not have the hope of the heavenly Father to come home to? Don't worry, I am not going to get out my soap box. All that to say once my thoughts were no longer focused on myself and were properly focused on more important things i.e. the Lord, my horrible, terrible no good very bad day didn't seem so awful after all. I will try to remember this next time, hopefully at the beginning of the day instead of the end! Thank you for listening to my silly rant.


crystal said...

catherine! something must be up b/c i had this kind of day yesterday too! what is up? and what else will we learn??

Robin Brient said...

Hey! Sorry your terrible day was partly my fault bc you were tired! Hope your Monday and this week is better! Love you guys and wish we could move there or you caould move here! :( Miss you!