Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Advent is here!!

I didn't grow up in a Christian home so the Christmas season for us was really all about making our Christmas lists and making sure we got everything we wanted. Since I have come to know the Lord I have been able to experience a totally different side of Christmas. This year God is really teaching me about the Advent Season, or the coming of Christ. I cant quite explain it, but it seems like everyday God has been reminding me and teaching me more about the Advent Season. I was reading Luke 1 today and was so moved by Mary's Song. I am very much looking forward to reading more about the Advent story and then one day being able to share it with my children :).
I've also been thinking of creative ways everyday this month to express my joy and eagerness for the coming of Christ! Some things are very simple like surprising coworkers with a little gift to make them smile. Or leaving a big tip for my waiter. Or sitting and talking with some of the sick people in the hospital I work in. It's little things like that, that make Jesus shine so bright! I hope everyone is enjoying Advent as much as me!
P.S. The picture ablove is from Ali Edwards


Erin said...

I love how your little advent gifts are for others! I loved this post!

Bri Westbury said...

Oh Christmas season posts! I love it! I love your little intentional gift ideas...

Today I helped one of our patients check their voice mail! =)

Alex & Tonya said...

Hi Catherine!! Can I have your home address please?

Have a great day!